Ledgerx Clears $50 Million In July
August 7, 2018LedgerX, one of the leading Bitcoin futures and trading providers, has announced that in the past two months, it has experienced the highest trading volumes recently.
A Good Couple Of Months For Bitcoin Trade Volumes
Juthica Chou, who is the chief risk officer for the firm has reported that the firm has registered trading volumes totaling $50million for just the month of July. It was also reported that the firm has also completed its biggest trade to date for a $15,000 strike call made in December.
The firm initiated, due to the increased demand from its target market, a new system for the purchase of Bitcoin. The system, called the one-click Bitcoin, was launched to make it easier for institutions and high net-worth individuals to purchase Bitcoin using a platform that is secure and regulated by the federal government. Chous made the announcement adding that the platform was established as an addition to the LedgerSavings platform that the firm debuted three months ago.
Chou has said that there is a high demand for such services in the market saying that the platform was developed mainly as a response to the demand that the witnessed in the market. She added that this demand was a strong indication that the derivatives and options are being accepted as important long-term products that could also be used as a solution solver for many of its users.
She also reiterated that June has turned out to be among the highest trading months for the firm, with July being the best month yet since it began its operations. She added that going by their transactions for these months, it was safe to conclude that the firm was experiencing an increasingly healthy rise of activity.
The Service Open To Ledgerx Users
Chou has availed that the platform is already active for all of its customers to access, many of which include institutions and high net worth individuals numbering close to a hundred and thirty.
The firm is already registering transactions on the platform. According to the firm, any client using the platform will be receiving an annum return of 15% for their Bitcoins for a collective period of six months. This return the firm has said will continually remain constant regardless of whether Bitcoin’s prices fall or remain steady during that period.
Ledgerx To Add More Ethereum Products
LedgerX is looking to add on more Ethereum products in the near future. The firm is currently working towards getting the approval from the regulators. Chou has said that the firm is confident that it will get the approval, considering that it has taken relevant steps in making all their products fully collateralized.
LedgerX was the first crypto derivatives exchange to launch a Bitcoin savings account. The product did get the approval of and was regulated by the SEC. During its initial unveiling Chou told reporters that the firm developed the service because they wanted to make it easier for their clients who were already using the platform in executing call overwrites.